

Khao Niao lay still
on a patch of grass near her home

Her friends Peter and Mo Ping were gone,
and the dogs down the lane were a bit unfriendly,

but she howled along
with all the others in the neighborhood
each night once or twice,
whenever another began,

♫ ♫ ♫

and she was fine

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Quietly observing
and listening,

now and then going
on a walk around her garden,

sometimes eating a bit from her bowl,

and otherwise doing
nothing at all

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Well connected with all around,
she flowed,

unbothered by innumerable thoughts
she simply was,
an expression of consciousness,
the Sea of Love

along with all the other beings

♫ ♫ ♫

Older now and letting go
identity slipping away
and leaving only That behind

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nothing and all

Nothing and all

Crickets singing in the night,

passion fruit falling
from the vines,

a solitary dog laying
in its sleeping hole

Simply being,
calm and quiet,

nothing and all

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gentle and kind

Gentle and kind

Several beings,
gentle and kind,
had gathered for an evening fire,
sharing a few words
now and then,
sitting mostly
in silence,
surrounded by space,
being all
and nothing

♫ ♫ ♫

Crickets sang
with owls and toads,
bats on the wing flowing

♫ ♫ ♫

And time slowed down
until it reached
a moment that could not be divided

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